Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Instructive Diagram of Lighting Techniques

August 2011: Sprinkler Schedule

This is the preliminary (cautious) irrigation plan
The irrigation plan I have chosen was constructed out of knowledge that the current layout or sprinklers is ineffective when it comes to the proper amount of water for the front and driveway side berms.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Fundamentals of a Successful Low-Voltage Lighting Design - EC&M Apr 29, 2003

Understanding voltage drop is the key to a successful low-voltage lighting design
With the rising popularity of residential and commercial landscape lighting, end-users and homeowners have begun looking for systems and components that combine easy installation and adequate safety considerations in one package. Standard 120V systems are unable to meet these requirements, so the industry’s landscape lighting manufacturers have responded by adopting 12V low-voltage systems as the standard for outdoor applications.
Low-voltage systems use smaller light sources, are easy to modify to accommodate changes in landscape layout, and are safer to operate and maintain than their 120V counterparts.
In standardizing the 12V low-voltage system, manufacturers have made available various sizes of step-down transformers to convert a standard 120V source to a 12V supply. The components of the system may be easier to work with, but voltage drop must be considered and understood to effectively service the customer’s landscape lighting needs.
Depending on its size and length, the conductor serving the fixtures of a low-voltage lighting system acts as a resistor. As current runs through the conductor, a voltage drop occurs: the voltage at the end of the conductor is lower than at the source. Smaller wires and higher currents will increase the voltage drop by raising resistance and increasing the fixture load respectively.
Why worry about it? Voltage drop on a lighting circuit in a 120V system isn’t considered a major issue. The branch circuit currents are relatively low—usually 20A or below—and the standard wire sizes are usually large enough to minimize resistance problems. When working with 12V systems, however, the line current for any given load increases by a factor of 10. For example, a 100W 120V incandescent lamp draws .83A, but an equivalent load of two 50W MR16 12V lamps draws 8.3A. If you use the same size and length wire in both systems, the voltage drop in the 12V system will be 10 times greater than in the 120V system. In this case, voltage drop becomes a significant consideration.
When the actual voltage delivered to a given incandescent lamp is lower than the lamp’s rated voltage, the light output will be reduced. This relationship isn’t linear. When the voltage decreases to about 85% of its rated value, the visible light output is only about 50%. It continues to drop quickly from this point forward.
How to minimize voltage drop. Once you’ve finalized the lighting layout, you can control voltage drop by selecting the most effective gauge wire. The smaller the gauge, the less the voltage drop.
A minimum light output of 50% for the last fixture on a given run is normally an acceptable limit.Table 1 shows the maximum wattage allowed at various distances from a 12V transformer for various wire sizes.
You can use the information in Table 2 to identify the required wire size, length of straight run, and wattage load on a preselected value of light output at the end of any given cable.
Many transformers have multiple taps on the low-voltage side of the unit that provide 12V, 13V, and 14V output. Using a higher voltage tap to offset the expected voltage drop helps maintain the desired light output by delivering a closer-to-rated voltage at the remote lamps. This technique is used primarily where the distance to the first fixture is a long way from the transformer. Take care to avoid providing an over-voltage situation to the first grouping of fixtures, as this would shorten the lamps’ life.
You can also minimize voltage drop by altering your cable layout design. There are several options you can use other than a straight run:
  • Multiple straight runs can be made in several directions.
  • Tee connections reduce voltage drop by using heavier gage cable for the primary feed.
  • A loop design reduces voltage drop and allows the lighting units to give off a more uniform light output. It’s important to match the wire polarity at the transformer connection in a loop layout.
Locating several smaller transformers closer to the end of your cable runs can also help limit voltage drop. If at all possible, you should center the transformer in the run. If the light fixtures are located too far from the 120V source, consider running a 120V feed to a transformer located closer to the low-voltage lighting fixtures.
If you’re only trying to serve a few limited fixtures, consider using direct burial, 12V transformers for each fixture, which can be fed with a 120V source.
Another way to minimize voltage drop is to use lower voltage lamps in your design. For example, 18W lamps are the preferred choice for spread lights, but you can also use 12W lamps. If you do decide to use lower wattage lamps, however, recheck your photometric levels so you don’t wind up with an inferior lighting design.
Troubleshooting. Low-voltage lighting installations require a great deal of care during installation due to the high currents in the system. Placing too many fixtures on the circuit or using the wrong wire size can lead to a system overload. Therefore, it’s important to troubleshoot the system after installation.
The most common problems encountered in low-voltage landscape lighting installations are poor wire connections, too many fixtures on one transformer (overloading), and cables that are too small for the load.
By understanding voltage drop, you can address these problems and implement a successful low-voltage lighting design. Low-voltage lighting will allow the end-user to change the landscape layout and ensure safe outdoor lighting.
Liepold is a project management consultant for Progress Lighting in Spartanburg, S.C.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Low Voltage Layout Guide

Consider the threat of voltage drop when designing the layout of landscape lighting. This occurs in low voltage systems when the electricity loses its voltage as it travels down a cable. The amount of drop depends on the length of the run, the number of fixtures on the run, and the cable gauge thickness.

Here is the Voltage Drop Formula:

    TOTAL WATTS ON CABLE          /
  LENGTH OF RUN (FT.)                  /        7490


Example: a 100' run with 150 watts on it using 12 AWG wire will have: 150 w x 100 ft / 7490 cable constant = 2 voltage drop. Accordingly the run should be connected to the 13 or 14 volt tap so that after it loses 2 volts, the fixtures will still receive between 11-12 volts.

The best way to avoid voltage drop is to create an efficient layout.

You can start by grouping fixtures into distance zones. \
  • Group lighting fixtures with short distances of 0'-25' in the same zone,
  • medium distance fixtures from 25'-50' in the same zone, and
  • long distances 75'-100' in a zone
  • A landscape lighting fixture that is 15 feet away from the transformer, and a fixture that is 100 feet away from the transformer should not be on the same run.

Centralize your voltage load. Use a junction box/hub to connect lighting fixtures to the cable run. Run one cable to the center of the zone and branch out cables to reach each fixture within that zone. This way, the voltage load will be more evenly disbursed. This avoids daisy chaining, a method that strings each fixture to one cable in a straight line and increases voltage drop. If fixtures are daisy chained, each fixture will drop the voltage, so as you move progressively to farther fixtures they will have less and less voltage. If you do daisy chain, try and keep 2-3 fixtures at most in a daisy chain line.

Finally, using a thick cable will reduce the voltage drop constant and make it easier for voltage to flow. Each lighting fixture should have between 10.75 and 12 volts going to it, and a maximum of one volt difference between surrounding fixtures.



Note: Voltages under 10.5 reduce lamp life and result in dim, yellowish outputs. Voltages over 12 significantly reduce lamp life as a result of over volting. For example 13 w cuts lamp life in 1/2, 14 w and lamp life will be 1/4!



Layout TIPS for perfect installation and results:
TIP #1
Lower loads per run means lower voltage drop. Break your layout up into multiple cable runs of ~ 100-150 watts per run. If you have more than 150 watts in an area -- break it up into 2 runs.

Break your layout into Distance Zones. For example put fixtures 15-30 ft away from the transformer on one run, fixtures 25-40 ft on another run, fixtures 30-50 ft on another run, and so on. The goal is have all the fixtures on a run be roughly the same distance from the transformer so they have similar amounts of voltage drop. That way when you adjust for voltage drop by increasing the voltage for that one run, the lights are not over-volted or under-volted.

For example, never have a fixture 20 ft from the transformer on the same run as a fixture 80 ft from the transformer. Why? Because if you use the 12v tap, the close fixture will have the correct voltage (about 11 volts) but the far fixture will only have about 8 volts and be dim (because of voltage drop). However if you use a higher voltage tap to make the far fixture brighter, the close fixture will be over-volted (dangerous, fire risk, lights will be uneven, lamp lifespan drastically shortened). Anything over 12 volts dramatically reduces lamp life--13 volts cuts the lamp life in half!).

TIP #3
Do not Daisy Chain the fixtures. In other words do not connect fixture after fixture in-line to the same cable. You can do a couple fixtures in series, but we don’t recommend exceeding more than 3 fixtures or 75 watts in series. Instead form T or spider splices so that there is never more than 2 fixtures between any one fixture and the transformer. Example you might have 6 fixtures on a run but the cable layout is like a T with 3 fixtures on the upper left part of the T and 3 fixtures on the upper right part of the T. Even the end fixture only has 2 fixtures between it and the transformer.

Why? Well as an analogy, if you had a hose and it had 6 equal sized holes, the first hole would squirt a lot of water but the last hole would only be dribbling water due to lack of pressure (i.e. voltage drop in electricity). However if you T off the hose, that is connect the water supply to the middle of that hose (between holes 3 and 4) the holes would squirt a more equal amount from each hole. You want to do the same with your low voltage cable layout—equalize the voltage to each fixture. Make sense?

TIP #4
For each run, bring the wire from the transformer to the middle of that zone, and then branch off more cable from there to reach different areas. This can be done with a junction box/hub or by simply splicing in more cable to form a T layout. This T layout somewhat incorporates objectives we discussed above in TIPS 2 & 3, getting all fixtures with roughly the same length of cable to reach the transformer (TIP #2) and avoiding daisy chaining (TIP #3).

Layout Example:
  • For example if you have 4 path lights along a driveway each 10 ft apart, run the cable from the transformer to the area between fixtures 2 & 3 (even if it means passing fixtures 1 & 2 without connecting them). Then splice in a T with cable going back to fixtures 1 and 2 and cable going out to fixtures 3 and 4, then connect the fixtures. This way electricity has to travel the same distance to reach the closest fixture (fixture #1) as it does to reach the farthest fixture (fixture #4). Additionally you only have 2 fixtures daisy chained in a row. If the farthest fixture is dim you can use a higher voltage tap on the transformer without over volting the closest fixture. All your lights in that distance zone/on that run have the same amount of cable to reach the transformer and accordingly will all have the same voltage and all be bright and even. It may seem odd to pass by a fixture with cable and then run more cable back to it, but what you are really doing is adding more cable distance to your close fixtures so that they equal the cable used in far fixtures.

Junction Box/Hub Layouts
Junction box/Hubs are an easy, efficient way to insure that you have done your layout properly. They virtually guarantee perfect results, bright even lighting, prevents over/under volting. Additionally all your connections are in one place (so they are easy to trouble shoot/service). Lastly, with VoltPro exclusive above ground Junction Box, all your connections are above ground in a dry, weather tight junction box, not in the ground exposed to constant moisture and harsh electrical conditions like traditional connections or even competing company's that sell "hub systems".

Place the junction box in the middle of a distance zone; run a cable from the transformer to the junction box. Inside the junction box connect all the fixtures to the end of the cable. The end result is a home run with several fixtures branching off the end of it like a flower stem (home run) with multiple flower pedals (the fixture wires). Electricity has to travel exactly equal distances from the transformer to each fixture, plus there are no daisy chained fixtures, perfect layout. Lastly measure the voltage in any one fixture (it will be the same for all of them on that hub). If the voltage is below 12 volts, move that run up to the appropriate voltage tap on the transformer until the fixtures have between 11-12 volts. For hub Systems you can use more fixtures per run, up to 200 watts worth of fixtures.

To hub or not to Hub, that is the question:
You do not have to hub every fixture. T-layouts are perfectly acceptable for a couple fixtures. A junction box is just more convenient if you have several fixtures all in a same area. Hubs can also make a great junction box for spider splicing several main cables together (10-2 or 12-2 cables). Many direct burial connectors cannot handle several thick gauge cables connecting together, hubs make for a convenient, dry, above ground place to make these connections. When doing more than a T connection but a spider splice with several cables in one place, junction boxes are great.

Realistically most installs call for a combination of layout methods, most fixtures junction box/hub/spider spliced/or whatever you want to call a group of fixtures connected at one location. Other fixtures will have the cable run T off to reach them with a couple daisy chained in line off the T. Some T will be connected with a regular direct burial splice because there are only 3 wires in a T. Another run may have 4 or 5 cables coming off the home run more like a flower, and thus have the home run hooked to a hub. No layout or property is the same, and you will have to use a variety of techniques. The end goal is to be a champ and get all you fixtures to output between 11.25-11.75 volts for perfection!


Monday, June 27, 2011

Panny Flat Screen Mounting Outfit

The mounting project through monoprice will cost $119 or as little as $60 depending on the level of refinement you demand.  Let me place the order and do this.   

The price you quoted for the mount and cables alone is  ~$225 right?   Any idiot can run the audio video cables because they are low voltage.    PCR will probably charge you $300 for all the labor and materials.  That's if you want a trade school dropout and not an electrician. . . . 
A licensed electrician will raise the outlet for at least $75 plus materials.

Let me place the order and do this.  Do you have paypal?  If not, do so.  You cant be half in and out of the 21st century.  Go to their site and set one up.   Email me what you want me to purchase  (monoprice is 100% returnable).  I'll tell you after the order is placed.

I'm Here to help to the extent you want.

Some useful info that supports my enthusiasm for tackling this job myself.

  1. Professional level install (better than PCRichards) costs more because you install fixed wall plates similar to power outlets that let you plug into them and likewise behind the mount.  
  2. Going this route has other advantages related to the convenience of unplugging a highly accessible and visible cable should any components (the cable box and DVD player or TV need service).


  • Convenience of unplugging a higlhy accessible plug
  • Aesthetically less vulgar (black 3 ft cable connects tv to wall / white connects wall to DVD, etc).
  • Should you ever leave it will retain value in a way to holes in wall

  • Eventually the HDMI standard will evolve beyond the current version 1.4a.   At that point you will need to buy 2 sets of short cables and two behind the wall (6 total) .   Cost to upgrade 5 years is $20 vs $15.
  • It does cost more and is more time consuming to install

An image of my shopping cart is available as follows.

The Product List is as follows (FYI):

I can't say for sure but I'm pretty certain this does not rotate left and right 90 degrees.    I can't picture it happening without the arm getting in the way.   More info is scarce as the mount you bought doesn't ship to retailers until July 11th.  

Pictured here is the Bell'O 7845 (Prior Year Model?)

The swivel on the one I picked is how they get around needing to rotate the TV flat against the extended arm:

Landscape Lighting Online Retail Links Lighting
Arcadian Lighting: Clearance Outdoor LowVol (ALL)